TEDxBerkeley – City2.0

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TED.com Page

Official Event Website

Date(s) - 09/20/2013
10:00 am - 6:00 pm

location tbd

In 2012, for the first time ever, the TED Prize went not to an individual, but to an idea on which our planet’s future depends: the City 2.0. Coinciding with the TEDCity2.0 anchor event, TEDxCity2.0 is an initiative in the spirit of TEDxYouthDay, TEDxChange and TEDxWomen.


On September 20th, 2013 TEDxCity2.0 will focus on the City 2.0 themes, including Art, Education, Food, Health, Housing, Play, Public Space, and Safety — all elements whose presence will dictate the success of our future cities.

TEDCity2.0: Dream me. Build me. Make me real. is a day-long TED event for urban innovators, organizers, stewards and builders. In Berkeley we will host a livestream of this event for our local community to watch and discuss.

TEDCity2.0 will commence on September 20, 2013 at The Times Center in New York City from 9am-5pm EST, featuring an unexpected mix of over 20 speakers including 2012’s City 2.0 Award winners. Hosted by Chris Anderson, John Cary and Courtney Martin, the four-session event will surface stories of urban ingenuity and interdependence from across the globe. TEDCity2.0 will focus on how bright ideas turn into collective impact—through talks, breakout sessions and satellite events globally.